And touch has it's own miracle healing power to mind and body both. A touch ( sparsh) , warmth, Care or Massage , ( be it leg or head or a hand ) or just playfully run your fingers on your ailing ( or even healthy ) family member or friend makes him heal faster, makes him feel secured, he feels loved and wanted.
When my brother in law was in third stage of Cancer and was in Breach Candy Hospital the sisters their will shake hands with him ( 30 years back it was not so common) , will take hand in hand and give him walk etc. those moments I am sure gave him some moments worth living and rejuvenated him.
Last month I broke small finger of my right leg. From doctor to my own people have cared little to just give it a touch ( feeling of care and love) . I know it is a small accident so I went alone for X ray and getting buddy strapping done ( which I did on my own too till I could go to orthopedic surgeon) . So nothing great about this small accident or treatment. But somewhere still I miss the sahalana ( softly running hand on hurt/ wounded place) of my mother on this part of my injured feet.
I also miss my grand father who would even at his late of 90's would come to my bedroom and at regular intervals and pour love and care whenever I was in fever.
Do care to give premal hug ( warm and loving hug), do care to touch, massage ( not often or regularly but atleast some time) , do give snehal (loving) togetherness to those ailing , senior citizens and near and dear ones besides cards or flowers.
Love and touch heals........