Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Retirement is much a reality as much as its planning is a neglected activity. Retirement planning continues to be ignored by most individuals.There is a lot more to retirement than just resting on an armchair and playing with grandchildren. A prerequisite for a comfortable retired life is detailed planning. Goals need to be define and investments to be made to make the best of the golden days.

Retirement for some it could be turning to God, others would occupy themselves with a remunerative profession, while some would want to travel to make up for what has been missed during the earlier days. Whatever be the occupation, the expenses would continue ... the grocery bills, the house rents, the power charges, gifts for the younger ones, so on and so forth. So while expenses would continue, the primary source of income would the missing.

The retirement objectives are met with proper investments. A portion of investments in riskier instruments like the stock markets which gives higher returns, while a portion is safer havens like bank fixed deposits and gold which, inspite of its lower returns, protects the capital.


Retire a millionaire!

If you have inherited a 20 million dollar mansion from your rich uncle and plan to sell it, you need not worry to accumulate ten million when you retire. But, if you need to plan your retirement, which you must, then take a look how much you need to save every month, to become a multi-millionaire when you retire. We make the following assumptions to save an inflation-adjusted million

Retirement age: 60 years
Average Annual inflation: 5%
Return on savings: 12%

Present age     Required monthly saving
25 years        1,010
30 years        1,416
35 years        2,008
40 years        2,911
45 years        4,410

Moral of the story: Begin planning your retirement, early!


Retirement Checklist

(1) Have you performed a comprehensive retirement needs calculation?

(2) Are you contributing enough to potentially reach your financial goal within your desired time frame?

(3) Is your asset allocation aligned with your retirement goal, risk tolerance, and time horizon?

(4) Is your asset allocation properly spread out? A part to provide you with guaranteed returns, albeit moderate, and a part to provide a little higher returns. Please be very very careful investing in schemes where returns are abnormally high and much beyond market standards.

(5) Do you review your retirement portfolio each year and rebalance your asset allocation if necessary?

(6) Have you considered your health insurance options, (i.e., Medicare and various Medigap supplemental plans or employer-sponsored health insurance), out-of-pocket medical expenses, and other related health care costs? Maybe you would need to take up a second health insurance now, as after retirement your present employer will no longer cover you, and a new health insurer would not want to take up a new (high) risk.

(7) Have you reviewed all your financial and legal documents to make sure beneficiaries are up-to-date?


Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O.),
Real Estate, Insurance, Mutual Funds, Bonds,
Tholiya Marketing and Leasing Pvt. Ltd.,
"Marigold", the little Party Hall,
Tholiya Bhavan, 10th Rd., Santacruz East,
Mumbai 400055
M: 9324225699

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Issues of Public interests : http://aloktholiya.blogspot.com/

precious collections: http://beautifulwe.blogspot.com/

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